

Select the bouncing behavior, applies only when home position is known.

  • None will not bounce at all

  • Backward will bounce when moving backward at zero position.

  • Forward will bounce when moving backward at position max (see setting Position Max).

  • Both (default): Backward and Forward behavior combined.

_images/1-bounce.png _images/1-bounce1.png

Steps per Revolution#

Total number of steps per revolution, including microstepping for stepper motors.

_images/2-steps-per-rev.png _images/2-steps-per-rev1.png

Units per Revolution#

  • Metric (linear): millimeters of linear travel per revolution.

  • Imperial (linear): inches of linear travel, per revolution.

  • Degrees (angular): degrees of rotation per revolution.

In angular mode it is fixed at 360 degrees per revolution (unit = 1 degree).

_images/3-units-per-rev.png _images/3-units-per-rev1.png

Maximum Speed#

The maximum allowable speed is bounded by the maximum pulse generation frequency.

(See Stepper configuration section for details).

_images/4-max-speed.png _images/4-max-speed1.png


_images/5-acceleration.png _images/5-acceleration1.png


The backlash to apply in selected units when changing direction of movement/rotation

_images/6-backlash.png _images/6-backlash1.png

Backlash Speed#

Select between Current and Maximum.

  • Current use current speed as configured by the user controlled potentiometer.

  • Maximum use maximum speed as configured by the Maximum Speed setting.

_images/7-backlash-speed.png _images/7-backlash-speed1.png

Homing Speed#

The speed to use while searching for home position.

(See Limits & Homing section for details).

_images/8-homing-speed.png _images/8-homing-speed1.png

Homing Direction#

Set the homing direction to either Forward or Backward.

_images/9-homing-direction.png _images/9-homing-direction1.png

Backoff Distance#

The distance to move back from the homing switch after it is triggered.

_images/10-backoff-distance.png _images/10-backoff-distance1.png

Position Max#

The maximum position allowed to move forward, away from the home position (in current units).

Applies only when the home position is known.

_images/11-position-max.png _images/11-position-max1.png

Enable Pin#

Set if the enable pin should be active high or active low.

_images/12-enable-pin.png _images/12-enable-pin1.png

Direction Pin#

Set if the direction pin should be active high or active low.

_images/13-direction-pin.png _images/13-direction-pin1.png

Limit Pin#

Set the behavior of the limit switch pin. The external limit is triggered:

  • Falling Edge on a transition from a logic high (5 Volts) to logic low (0 Volts).

  • Rising Edge on a transition from a logic low (0 Volts) to logic high (5 Volts).

_images/14-limit-switch-pin.png _images/14-limit-switch-pin1.png


Set the units to use. Changing the device units will reset all the unit related settings to their defaults and additionally reset the device status, e.g set position to zero and forget the home position

  • Millimeters (metric, linear mode): Steps: 0.01 mm, 0.01 mm, 0.1 mm, 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm.

  • Inches (imperial, linear mode): Steps: 0.001 in, 0.005 in, 0.01 in, 0.05 in and 0.1 in.

  • Degrees (angular mode): Steps from 360/1 deg (1 step is 360 degrees) up to 360/3600 deg (1 step is 0.1 degree).

_images/15-units.png _images/15-units1.png


Requires a long press on the B type buttons to confirm the action.


Set the display contrast.

_images/16-contrast.png _images/16-contrast1.png

Load Defaults#

Reset all settings to their defaults and reboot the device.

_images/17-defaults.png _images/17-defaults1.png


Requires a long press on the B type buttons to confirm the action.